Why It’s A Good Sign That Your Dental Hygienist Is Using An Ultrasonic Plaque Remover Tool

If you have a lot of plaque built up on your teeth — likely as a result of infrequently visiting the dentist for cleanings — your dental hygienist may tackle it with the help of an ultrasonic plaque remover tool. As you watch him or her begin to prepare this tool for use, you might feel a little unnerved, especially if you were expecting the hygienist to use a conventional scaling tool. Few people like the idea of tools operating inside of their mouths, but it's important for you to see the use of an ultrasonic plaque remover tool as a good thing. Here are some reasons why.

It Gets The Job Done Quicker

Removing the plaque on your teeth can be a time-consuming task, especially if it has been a long time since you've had a professional cleaning. Few people enjoy having their dental appointments last longer than necessary, but your hygienist's choice to use an ultrasonic plaque remover tool will allow him or her to clean your teeth faster. The tool's ability to break up stubborn plaque means that your hygienist will be working on you for less time than if he or she had to remove all of the plaque with a scaling tool.

It Makes Your Mouth Feel Fresh

Ultrasonic plaque remover tools shoot a concentrated jet of water into your mouth to help wash away the plaque as it comes off your teeth, and many dental clinics use essential oils or other flavoring to make this water taste good. Mint is a common flavor, for example. Plaque understandably doesn't taste pleasant, nor does it smell good as it lifts from your teeth. When your hygienist uses this tool, you'll be acutely aware of the taste and smell of mint — rather than the taste and smell of plaque in your mouth.

It's More Pleasant To Hear

There are some dental patients who feel anxious about the scraping sound that occurs when their hygienist removes plaque with a scaling tool. When he or she uses an ultrasonic plaque remover tool instead, you'll find that this is more pleasant on your ears. You don't hear a scraping sound — rather, what you'll hear is the steady hum of the machine as it works. If you have any concerns about the ultrasonic plaque remover tool when your dental hygienist indicates that he or she will be using it, simply share them and your dental professional will explain everything. Reach out to a dentist like David D. Childress, DDS to learn more.
