Handling Your Dental Emergency

In the event of a dental emergency, understanding how to treat common problems can bring fast comfort and avoid future harm. By following these guidelines, you can take immediate action until you can seek professional dental treatment.

Dealing With Broken Or Chipped Teeth

When faced with a broken or chipped tooth, it is essential to protect it from further damage. The issue might get worse if you bite down on anything hard. You may also cover the affected tooth with temporary dental wax or sugarless gum to create a barrier.

Although temporary fixes offer short-term relief, scheduling an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible is paramount. A qualified dental assessment is necessary for diagnosing the level of damage and planning effective treatment. Quick dental treatments can help to spare the tooth from being lost.

Handling Knocked-Out Teeth

When a tooth is knocked out in an accident, every second counts. Handle the tooth carefully by its crown without touching its root. Rinse it gently under running water without scrubbing or removing any tissue fragments.

The best way to preserve a knocked-out tooth is by always keeping it moist. Place it in a container with milk or the victim's saliva, as these solutions help maintain the tooth's viability. Avoid storing the tooth in water, which can damage it.

Coping With Lost Fillings Or Crowns

When a filling or crown is lost, it leaves your tooth vulnerable to sensitivity and further damage. Avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until you receive professional care.

Pharmacies offer temporary filling materials that can provide short-term relief until you can see your dentist. These materials are easily moldable and act as temporary fillings until proper restoration can be performed. Only a dental professional can provide long-term solutions for lost fillings or crowns. Schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible to have a new filling or crown placed before infection can develop.

Treating An Abscessed Tooth

Infection by bacteria leads to the development of an abscessed tooth, which manifests as localized pain, swelling, and pus. It often originates from untreated cavities or gum disease, causing severe discomfort and potential complications if left unaddressed.

While seeking professional treatment is crucial for an abscessed tooth, there are some home remedies to help manage pain and reduce swelling temporarily. To relieve pain, try rinsing your mouth with warm saltwater or applying a cold compress to the location. In order to kill the germs that are creating the abscess, your dentist may recommend antibiotics. It is essential to relieve immediate symptoms and prevent further complications that could affect your oral and overall health.

For more information, contact a dentist near you.
